Category Archives: Scala

Incorporating LDAP with Play 2.x (Scala) application

For people in hurry here is the code and the steps.

In continuation of Play 2.x (Scala) is it a Spring MVC contender? – Introduction, in this blog, I extend my earlier blog Incorporating Authorization into Play 2.x (Scala) application to integrate with LDAP instead of database.

Again there might be better ways to do this, but right now there is no clear documentation. A quick googling will display this Google group link and this link and this Github code. All of them were of little help to me. So I took the 1st step and put one of these. I have used Unboundid LDAP SDK‘s InMemoryDirectoryServer.

As a first step we need to add the below dependency in Build.scala,

"com.unboundid" % "unboundid-ldapsdk" % "2.3.1",

Next we implement an in memory LDAP helper class LdapUtil.scala as below,

  def start(): InMemoryDirectoryServer = {
    val config = new InMemoryDirectoryServerConfig("dc=org");
    val listenerConfig = new InMemoryListenerConfig("test", null, 12345, null, null, null);
    config.setSchema(null); // do not check (attribute) schema
    val server = new InMemoryDirectoryServer(config);
    server.add("dn:,dc=staticsecurity,dc=geomajas,dc=org", "objectClass: person", "locale: nl_BE",
      "sn: NormalUser", "givenName: Joe", "memberOf: cn=testgroup,dc=roles,dc=geomajas,dc=org", "userPassword: password");
    server.add("dn:,dc=staticsecurity,dc=geomajas,dc=org", "objectClass: person", "locale: nl_BE",
      "sn: Administrator", "givenName: Cindy", "memberOf: cn=testgroup,dc=roles,dc=geomajas,dc=org", "userPassword: password");


  def authenticate(email: String, password: String): Option[Account] = {
    val server = start

    val conn = server.getConnection();
    val entry = conn.getEntry("cn=" + email + ",dc=staticsecurity,dc=geomajas,dc=org");

    val permission = entry.getAttributeValue("sn").toString
    val retPass = entry.getAttributeValue("userPassword")

    if (retPass.equals(password)) {
      println("password valid")
      val account = new Account(email, password, permission)
    } else {

  def findByEmail(email: String): Option[Account] = {
    val server = start
    val conn = server.getConnection();
    val entry = conn.getEntry("cn=" + email + ",dc=staticsecurity,dc=geomajas,dc=org");

    val permission = entry.getAttributeValue("sn").toString
    val retPass = entry.getAttributeValue("userPassword")

    val account = new Account(email, retPass, permission)

If you notice the normal user rights are email:=, pwd:= password and admin rights are email:=, pwd:= password. As in my earlier blog, we need to customize the AuthConfig as below,

trait AuthConfigImpl extends AuthConfig {
  type Id = String
  type User = Account
  type Authority = String
  val idTag = classTag[Id]
  def resolveUser(email: Id) = LdapUtil.findByEmail(email)
  def authorize(user: User, authority: Authority) = (user.permission, authority) match {
    case ("Administrator", _) => true
    case ("NormalUser", "NormalUser") => true
    case _ => false

Login form looks as below as in Application.scala,

  val loginForm = Form {
    mapping("email" -> email, "password" -> text)(LdapUtil.authenticate)( => (, "")))
      .verifying("Invalid email or password", result => result.isDefined)

Finally the usage looks as below refer CoffeesControler.scala,

def create = StackAction(AuthorityKey -> "Administrator") { implicit request =>
    database withSession {
      Ok(html.coffees.createForm(form, supplierSelect))

I hope this blog helped.

Incorporating Authorization into Play 2.x (Scala) application

For people in hurry here is the code and the steps.

In continuation of Play 2.x (Scala) is it a Spring MVC contender? – Introduction, in this blog, I will demonstrate how to use play20-auth to adopt to coffee example.

As a first step for this example we need to add dependency in Build.scala as below,

    "jp.t2v" %% "play2.auth"      % "0.9",
    "jp.t2v" %% "play2.auth.test" % "0.9" % "test",

We need to define a Account.scala domain object with permissions as below,

object Account extends Table[Account]("ACCOUNT") {
  lazy val database = Database.forDataSource(DB.getDataSource())

  def id = column[Int]("ID")
  def email = column[String]("EMAIL")
  def password = column[String]("PASSWORD")
  def name = column[String]("NAME")
  def permission = column[Permission]("PERMISSION")
  // Every table needs a * projection with the same type as the table's type parameter
  def * = id ~ email ~ password ~ name ~ permission <> (Account.apply _, Account.unapply _)

In order for Account object to accept Permission.scala object as one of the column we need to implement MappedTypeMapper for the Permission as below,

  implicit val PermissionTimeMapper = MappedTypeMapper.base[Permission, String](
    d => Permission.stringValueOf(d),
    t => Permission.valueOf(t))

  def valueOf(value: String): Permission = value match {
    case "Administrator" => Administrator
    case "NormalUser" => NormalUser
    case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException()

  def stringValueOf(value: Permission): String = value match {
    case Administrator => "Administrator"
    case NormalUser => "NormalUser"
    case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException()

Next step is, we need to implement a trait AuthConfigImpl extending AuthConfig in Application.scala indicating what is the User class to authenticate, what is the column that contains the Permission information and what is the redirecting page as below,

trait AuthConfigImpl extends AuthConfig {

  type Id = Int

  type User = Account

  type Authority = Permission

  val idTag = classTag[Id]

  val sessionTimeoutInSeconds = 3600

  def resolveUser(id: Id) = Account.findById(id)

  def loginSucceeded(request: RequestHeader) = Redirect(routes.CoffeesController.index)

  def logoutSucceeded(request: RequestHeader) = Redirect(routes.Application.login)

  def authenticationFailed(request: RequestHeader) = Redirect(routes.Application.login)

  def authorizationFailed(request: RequestHeader) = Forbidden("no permission")

  def authorize(user: User, authority: Authority) = (user.permission, authority) match {
    case (Administrator, _) => true
    case (NormalUser, NormalUser) => true
    case _ => false

Now we need to submit the loginForm to authenticate a user in Application.scala as below,

  val loginForm = Form {
    mapping("email" -> email, "password" -> text)(Account.authenticate)( => (, "")))
      .verifying("Invalid email or password", result => result.isDefined)

Account.scala authenticate method looks as below,

  def authenticate(email: String, password: String): Option[Account] = {
    findByEmail(email).filter { account => password.equals(account.password) }

For details about integration with the action in the controller refer CoffeesController.scala as below,

object CoffeesController extends Controller with AuthElement with AuthConfigImpl {
  def delete(pk: String) = StackAction(AuthorityKey -> Administrator) { implicit request =>
    database withSession {
      Home.flashing(Coffees.findByPK(pk).delete match {
        case 0 => "failure" -> "Entity has Not been deleted"
        case x => "success" -> s"Entity has been deleted (deleted $x row(s))"

Notice how we use StackAction and validate for Administrator permission in the controller.

I hope this blog helped you.

Play 2.x (Scala) is it a Spring MVC contender? – Introduction

For people in hurry here is the code and the steps.

I have been playing with Scala and Play 2.x for past 6 months and have gained lot of knowledge. I have been working with Spring related technologies for past 8 yrs. In the next few blogs I will be really exploring if the Scala flavor of Play 2.x is ready for prime time.

As usual, I will be exploring how well we can build Data Access Layer, Controller, Frontend integration with Play 2.x using Test Driven Development. I will also be exploring how well Play 2.x is integrated with Security (Authentication/Authorization) capabilities and how well Scala is integrated with other Authentication systems like LDAP.

The use case I will be talking in the next few blogs is the popular Coffee Supplier web application, which demonstrates a simple CRUD base application. And I will elaborate aspects only Admin users can create the Coffee and Normal users can see the list.

One common thing about Play 2.x and Spring MVC is both follow MVC design patterns. There are also other Scala Web frameworks like Lift, I haven’t played with it yet.

Overall architecture of Play 2.1 MVC is as below

Play 2.1 over all architecture

Play 2.1 over all architecture

In this example, I will use popular tools like Slick to access the Database, Play-Auth to do authentication and authorization. And I will extensively use ScalaTest to do Test Driven Development( TDD)/ Behavior Driven Development( BDD).

The layers I will be developing in TDD in the order are,

Incorporating Login/ Authentication into Play 2.x (Scala) application

For people in hurry here is the code and the steps.

In continuation of Play 2.x (Scala) is it a Spring MVC contender? – Introduction, in this blog, I will demonstrate how to extend Security.Authenticated standard Play API to implement basic authentication in your application.

I took this code play-test-security as my basis for implementing Security.Authenticated based authentication.

As a first step, I will extend this class to implement a Security trait as below,

trait Secured {
  self: Controller =>

   * Retrieve the connected user id.
  def username(request: RequestHeader) = request.session.get("email")

   * Redirect to login if the use in not authorized.
  def onUnauthorized(request: RequestHeader): Result

  def IsAuthenticated(f: => String => Request[AnyContent] => Result) =
    Security.Authenticated(username, onUnauthorized) { user =>
      Action(request => f(user)(request))

As provided in the comment section it is clear what each method does. Next step is to plumb the login steps refer Application.scala as below,

  lazy val loginForm = Form(
      "email" -> text,
      "password" -> text) verifying ("Invalid user or password", result => result match {
        case (email, password) => {
          println("user=" + email + " password=" + password);
          val userList = Users.authenticate(email, password)
          userList == 1
        case _ => false

  def login = Action { implicit request =>

   * Handle login form submission.
  def authenticate = Action { implicit request =>
      formWithErrors => BadRequest(html.login(formWithErrors)),
      user => Redirect(routes.CoffeesController.index).withSession("email" -> user._1))

   * Logout and clean the session.
  def logout = Action {
      "success" -> "You've been logged out")

The User Slick domain object and the authenticate method in User.scala looks as below,

object Users extends Table[User]("USER") {
  lazy val database = Database.forDataSource(DB.getDataSource())

  // -- Parsers

  def email = column[String]("EMAIL", O.PrimaryKey)
  def name = column[String]("NAME")
  def password = column[String]("PASSWORD")

  def * = email ~ name ~ password <> (User.apply _, User.unapply _)
  def authenticate(email: String, password: String): Int = {
    database withSession { implicit session =>
      val q1 = for (u       println("^^^^^^^^" + Query(q1.length).first)

Finally the CoffeesController.scala where we need to override onUnauthorized method and put the IsAuthenticated block in each action as below,

  def onUnauthorized(request: RequestHeader) = Results.Redirect(routes.Application.login())

   * Display the paginated list.
   * @param page Current page number (starts from 0)
   * @param orderBy Column to be sorted
   * @param filter Filter applied on entity names
  def list(page: Int, orderBy: Int, filter: String = "%") = IsAuthenticated { username =>
    implicit request =>
      database withSession {
          Page(Coffees.list(page, pageSize, orderBy, filter).list,
            offset = pageSize * page,

To test if authentication worked, start play,

play run

And when you type the url http://localhost:9000/coffee, you get the login page as below,

Scala Secured.Authenticated-login

Scala Secured.Authenticated-login

I hope this blog helped you. In my next blog, I will show how you do authorization.

Testing Frontend integration with Play 2.x (Scala)

For people in hurry here is the code and the steps.

In continuation of Play 2.x (Scala) is it a Spring MVC contender? – Introduction, in this blog, I will demonstrate how we implement a simple test to test the Web layer using TestServer. I will continue from my earlier example of Implementing Controller using Play 2.x (Scala), ScalaMock where I did the mock testing.

Refer Build.scala for build configuration.

In this blog, I will be testing the routes refer CoffeesControllerTest.scala for more details, the snippet is as below,

    it("POST /coffees/Colombian/delete should return SEE_OTHER") {
      running(FakeApplication(additionalConfiguration = inMemoryDatabase())) {

        val Some(result) = route(FakeRequest(POST, "/coffees/Colombian/delete"))
        status(result) should equal(SEE_OTHER)

    it("POST wrong url /coffees/Colombian/delete1 should return None") {
      running(FakeApplication(additionalConfiguration = inMemoryDatabase())) {

        val result = route(FakeRequest(POST, "/coffees/Colombian/delete1"))
        result should equal(None)

In the next block I will show how to do end to end testing from web layer using TestServer refer IntegrationTest.scala ,

class IntegrationSpec extends Specification {

  "Application" should {

    "work from within a browser" in {
      running(TestServer(3333), HTMLUNIT) { browser =>

        browser.pageSource must contain("Colombian")

    "work from within a browser" in {
      running(TestServer(3333), HTMLUNIT) { browser =>


        browser.pageSource must contain("Colombian")

    "work from within a browser" in {
      running(TestServer(3333), HTMLUNIT) { browser =>

        browser.pageSource must not contain("Colombian1")


Also while testing the application from web layer, we need to populate the data in the Global.scala as below,

object Global extends GlobalSettings {

  override def onStart(app: Application) {

    lazy val database = Database.forDataSource(DB.getDataSource())

    database withSession {
      // Create the tables, including primary and foreign keys
      val ddl = (Suppliers.ddl ++ Coffees.ddl)


      // Insert some suppliers
        Supplier(Some(101), "Acme, Inc.", "99 Market Street", "Groundsville", "CA", "95199"),
      // Insert some coffees (using JDBC's batch insert feature, if supported by the DB)
        Coffee(Some("Colombian"), 101, 799, 0, 0),

I hope this blog helped you. In the next blog I will implement simple authentication.

Implementing Controller using Play 2.x (Scala), ScalaMock

For people in hurry here is the code and the steps.

In continuation of Play 2.x (Scala) is it a Spring MVC contender? – Introduction, in this blog, I will demonstrate how we implement a simple Controller implementation using ScalaTest / ScalaMock. I will continue from my earlier example of Implementing DAL in Play 2.x (Scala), Slick, ScalaTest of the basic CRUD operations on Coffee catalogue.

In this example as well we need the ScalaMock dependency in Build.scala as below,

"com.typesafe.slick" %% "slick" % "1.0.0",
"org.scalamock" %% "scalamock-scalatest-support" % "3.0" % "test",

In our Previous example, we have already implemented a DAL trait called CoffeeComponent with basic CRUD as below,

trait CoffeeComponent {
  def find(pk: String): Query[Coffees.type, Coffee]
  def findall(pk: String): Query[(Coffees.type, Suppliers.type), (Coffee, Supplier)]
  def list(page: Int, pageSize: Int, orderBy: Int, filter: String): Query[(Coffees.type, Suppliers.type), (Coffee, Supplier)]
  def delete(pk: String): Int

We are construction injecting CoffeeComponent to the CoffeeController and create a Singleton object with the same name, as below,

class CoffeesController(coffeeComponent: CoffeeComponent) extends Controller {
  def delete(pk: String) = Action {
    database withSession {
      println("in db session")
      Home.flashing(coffeeComponent.delete(pk) match {
        case 0 => "failure" -> "Entity has Not been deleted"
        case x => "success" -> s"Entity has been deleted (deleted $x row(s))"

object CoffeesController extends CoffeesController(new CoffeeComponentImpl)

As seen above, we have a delete method, we will build a ScalaMock to mock the delete method of coffeeComponent and control the expected behavior to return 1 row effected and assert for HTTP SEE_OTHER status as below,

class CoffeesControllerTest extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers with MockFactory {
  describe("Coffee Controller with Mock test") {

    it("should delete a coffee record with assert on status") {
      running(FakeApplication(additionalConfiguration = inMemoryDatabase())) {
        val mockComponent = mock[CoffeeComponent]
        (mockComponent.delete _).expects("Columbian") returning (1) twice
        val controller = new CoffeesController(mockComponent)
        mockComponent.delete("Columbian") should equal (1)
        val result = controller.delete("Columbian")(FakeRequest())
        status(result) should equal (SEE_OTHER)

If you notice, we are extending FunSpec of ScalaTest for BDD. Also the HTTP status is SEE_OTHER, this is because the Success is redirected to Index page.

Now if you run the ScalaTest you will see the result in STS as below,

ScalaTest Coffee Example with ScalaMock

ScalaTest Coffee Example with ScalaMock

I hope this blog helped. In my next blog, I will talk about controller routes testing and Frontend testing.

Implementing DAL in Play 2.x (Scala), Slick, ScalaTest

For people in hurry here is the code and the steps.

In continuation of Play 2.x (Scala) is it a Spring MVC contender? – Introduction, in this blog, I will demonstrate how we implement a simple Data Access Layer using ScalaTest and using Behavior Driven Development.

The technical stack I will be using for this demo is Java 7, Play 2.1.0, Scala 2.10.0, Slick 1.0.0, ScalaTest / ScalaMock 3.0, STS IDE for Scala Development, Scala IDE plugin with ScalaTest.

As a first step create a Play project called coffee-example and select the language as Scala as below,

play new coffee-example

Now we need to include these dependencies in Build.scala. In this example, we don’t need ScalaMock but we will still include that dependency as below,

"com.typesafe.slick" %% "slick" % "1.0.0",
"org.scalamock" %% "scalamock-scalatest-support" % "3.0" % "test",

Let us convert this project into Eclipse project as below,

play eclipse

Let us open STS IDE and create a DomainTest.scala under test folder. The intent is we create a new CoffeeComponent class and implement a method findById method and pass a Coffee name and return the Coffee object and assert for its price. We also need initialize the data we are supposed to assert.

class DomainSpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers with InitTrait {

  lazy val database = Database.forDataSource(DB.getDataSource())

  describe("Coffee Data Access") {

    it("should find Coffee object for a given Coffee name") {
      running(FakeApplication(additionalConfiguration = inMemoryDatabase())) {
        database withSession {

          val cc = new CoffeeComponentImpl()
          val c = cc.find("Colombian")
          c.first.price should equal(799L)

One bug I noticed is, when there are multiple test cases opening database connection it will create Attempting to obtain a connection from a pool that has already been shutdown error.

We create a CoffeeComponent trait and CoffeeComponentImpl, which create basic CRUD operations as below,

trait CoffeeComponent {
  def find(pk: String): Query[Coffees.type, Coffee]
  def findall(pk: String): Query[(Coffees.type, Suppliers.type), (Coffee, Supplier)]
  def list(page: Int, pageSize: Int, orderBy: Int, filter: String): Query[(Coffees.type, Suppliers.type), (Coffee, Supplier)]
  def delete(pk: String): Int

class CoffeeComponentImpl extends CoffeeComponent {

  def find(pk: String): Query[Coffees.type, Coffee] = {

  def findall(pk: String): Query[(Coffees.type, Suppliers.type), (Coffee, Supplier)] = {

  def list(page: Int, pageSize: Int, orderBy: Int, filter: String): Query[(Coffees.type, Suppliers.type), (Coffee, Supplier)] = {
    Coffees.list(page, pageSize, orderBy, filter)

  def delete(pk: String): Int = {

We also need to create the Initialize Data for the test as below,

trait InitTrait {
  def init = {
    val ddl = (Suppliers.ddl ++ Coffees.ddl)

    // Insert some suppliers
      Supplier(Some(101), "Acme, Inc.", "99 Market Street", "Groundsville", "CA", "95199"))
      Coffee(Some("Colombian"), 101, 799, 0, 0))

Now run the ScalaTest from Eclipse IDE, you will see something as below,

ScalaTest Coffee Example

ScalaTest Coffee Example

I hope this blog helped you. In the next blog I will demonstrate how we can mock a Controller and test the Controller.

Integrating Play 2.1 with Slick 1.0.0 Database query DSL

For people in hurry here is the code and the steps to setup.

Refer this blog on Play 2.0: Building Web Application using Scala for details on Play and Scala.

In the next few blogs I will be writing enterprise class web application using Play and Scala. I will be covering topics like Database modeling and Security. Now officially Scala has adopted Slick as the Database query DSL. But when you create a new Play application and add Slick library as mentioned in this blog, it is not working. It gives a strange error like No suitable driver found in tests.

I also found slick-play2-example, this sample expect us to create a DAL layer, but we cannot directly play with slick in our test code.

After much further research I came across this plugin. I tried integrating this with my Play application and it worked like a charm.

We will define a Coffee class and a Supplier class. One Coffee has multiple Suppliers. The class design is as below,

case class Coffee(name: String, supID: Int, price: Double, sales: Int, total: Int)

object Coffees extends Table[Coffee]("COFFEES") {
def name = column[String]("COF_NAME", O.PrimaryKey)
def supID = column[Int]("SUP_ID")
def price = column[Double]("PRICE")
def sales = column[Int]("SALES")
def total = column[Int]("TOTAL")
def * = name ~ supID ~ price ~ sales ~ total <> (Coffee.apply _, Coffee.unapply _)
// A reified foreign key relation that can be navigated to create a join
def supplier = foreignKey("SUP_FK", supID, Suppliers)(

case class Supplier(id: Int, name: String, street: String, city: String, state: String, zip: String)

// Definition of the SUPPLIERS table
object Suppliers extends Table[Supplier]("SUPPLIERS") {
def id = column[Int]("SUP_ID", O.PrimaryKey) // This is the primary key column
def name = column[String]("SUP_NAME")
def street = column[String]("STREET")
def city = column[String]("CITY")
def state = column[String]("STATE")
def zip = column[String]("<a class="zem_slink" title="ZIP (file format)" href="" target="_blank" rel="wikipedia">ZIP</a>")
// Every table needs a * projection with the same type as the table's type parameter
def * = id ~ name ~ street ~ city ~ state ~ zip <> (Supplier.apply _, Supplier.unapply _)

Below is the ScalaTest to test various capabilities of Slick,

DB.withSession{ implicit session =>

//Populate sample data
val testSuppliers = Seq(
Supplier(101, "Acme, Inc.",      "99 Market Street", "Groundsville", "CA", "95199"),
Supplier( 49, "Superior Coffee", "1 Party Place",    "Mendocino",    "CA", "95460"),
Supplier(150, "The High Ground", "100 Coffee Lane",  "Meadows",      "CA", "93966")
Suppliers.insertAll( testSuppliers: _*)

val testCoffees= Seq(
Coffee("Colombian",         101, 7.99, 0, 0),
Coffee("French_Roast",       49, 8.99, 0, 0),
Coffee("Espresso",          150, 9.99, 0, 0),
Coffee("Colombian_Decaf",   101, 8.99, 0, 0),
Coffee("French_Roast_Decaf", 49, 9.99, 0, 0)
Coffees.insertAll( testCoffees: _*)

//Assert coffee data equals to the test list of coffee
Query(Coffees).list must equalTo(testCoffees)

//List all coffee less than $10
val q1 = for { c <- Coffees if c.price < 10.0 } yield (

q1 foreach println

//return all suppliers for coffee less than $9.0
val q2 = for { c <- Coffees if c.price < 9.0
s <- c.supplier } yield (,

q2 foreach println

//return all suppliers for coffee using zip
val q3 = for {
(c, s) <- Coffees zip Suppliers
} yield (,

q3 foreach println

val q4 = Query(Coffees).filter(_.price < 8.0)
val q5 = Query(Coffees).filter(_.price > 9.0)
val unionQuery = q4 union q5
unionQuery foreach println

//Union second approach
val unionAllQuery = q4 unionAll q5
unionAllQuery foreach println

//Group by
val r = (for {
c <- Coffees
s <- c.supplier
} yield (c, s)).groupBy(_._1.supID)

val r1 = { case (supID, css) =>
(supID, css.length,

r1 foreach println

In my next blog, I will take a real example and implement using Slick. I hope this blog helped.

ScalaTest a MapReduce using Akka

For people in hurry here is the MapReduce with ScalaTest and Akka code and steps

I was trying to learn Scala and I wanted to kill several birds in one shot. Let me tell you, I am not disappointed, I feel comfortable working with Scala. If you are coming from Java world, Scala is comparatively more complex, but once you get past initial hurdle you will like it. I wanted to learn

One usecase I wanted to tryout was a simple Word Count MapReduce, this is a hello world of MapReduce. MapReduce is a function programming technique popularly associated with Hadoop Parallel computing. There is a good MapReduce example using Java and Akka. There is a decent MapReduce example, and an other one here and an another one. Below diagram from the source describe the flow,

Word Count MapReduce with Akka and Java by Munish Gupta

Word Count MapReduce with Akka and Java by Munish Gupta

In this example, I am taking advantage of Akka‘s Actor supports for breaking chunk of tasks and processing in parallel and aggregate the final results.

For a starter, SBT is a build tool similar to Maven, extensively used for Scala development. Refer project/plugins.sbt, this has integration with Eclipse IDE. Once you get the code from github, run the below command, you notice 2 files .project and .classpath got generated.

sbt eclipse

Now import the project in Eclipse as Import => “Existing project into workspace”. Once the project is imported into Eclipse, we can take advantage of IntelliSense and other IDE features and develop the application in a easy way compared to writing the scala code in TextPad.

As always, I will start writing a test, the lowest level test is the aggregation test, which takes a map of words and the number of times it has occurred and aggregates it. I used WordSpec for this ScalaTest as below,

"Aggregrate actor" must {
"send back Map message" in {
// create the aggregate Actor
val aggregateActor = system.actorOf(Props[AggregateActor]);
var map: Map[String, Int] = Map[String, Int]("ak" -> 1, "kp" -> 2)
aggregateActor ! map
var map1: Map[String, Int] = Map[String, Int]("ak" -> 1, "kp" -> 2)
aggregateActor ! map1
var output = Map("kp" -> 4, "ak" -> 2)
aggregateActor ! "DISPLAY_LIST"

Now I write a Reduce unit test, which takes a Result object and create a Map object and publish it to Aggregator object for future aggregation.

"Reduce actor" must {
"send back Map message" in {
// create the aggregate Actor
val aggregateActor = system.actorOf(Props[AggregateActor]);
// create the list of reduce Actors
val reduceRouter = system.actorOf(Props(new ReduceActor(aggregateActor)))
val list: List[Result] = List[Result](new Result("kp", 1), new Result("ak", 2))
reduceRouter ! list
val list1: List[Result] = List[Result](new Result("ak", 1), new Result("kp", 2))
reduceRouter ! list1
var output = Map("kp" -> 3, "ak" -> 3)
aggregateActor ! "DISPLAY_LIST"

Write a Map unit test to take a line and create a Result object. If you notice carefully, the map and reduce object implements Akka’s Roundrobin Routers where the line is processed by multiple threads in a roundrobbin way.

"Map actor" must {
"send back Map message" in {
// create the aggregate Actor
val aggregateActor = system.actorOf(Props[AggregateActor]);
// create the list of reduce Actors
val reduceRouter = system.actorOf(Props(new ReduceActor(aggregateActor)).withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 2)))
// create the list of map Actors
val mapRouter = system.actorOf(Props(new MapActor(reduceRouter)).withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 2)))
var line = "Aditya Krishna Kartik Manjula"
mapRouter ! line
var output = Map("Kartik" -> 1, "Krishna" -> 1, "Aditya" -> 1, "Manjula" -> 1)
aggregateActor ! "DISPLAY_LIST"

We write a listController which tests end to end integrating map/reduce/aggregator and assert the values,

"List Reader Controller actor" must {
"send back Map message" in {
// create the aggregate Actor
 val aggregateActor = system.actorOf(Props[AggregateActor]);
// create the list of reduce Actors
 val reduceRouter = system.actorOf(Props(new ReduceActor(aggregateActor)).withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 2)))
// create the list of map Actors
 val mapRouter = system.actorOf(Props(new MapActor(reduceRouter)).withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances = 2)))
val controller = system.actorOf(Props(new ControllerActor(aggregateActor, mapRouter)))
val lineReadActor = system.actorOf(Props[LineReadActor])
var list = List[String]("Aditya Krishna Kartik Manjula", "Manjula Anand Aditya Kartik", "Anand Vani Phani Aditya", "Kartik Krishna Manjula Aditya", "Vani Phani Anand Manjula")
lineReadActor.tell(list, controller)
var output = Map("Anand" -> 3, "Kartik" -> 3, "EOF" -> 1, "Krishna" -> 2, "Vani" -> 2, "Phani" -> 2, "Aditya" -> 4, "Manjula" -> 4)
 aggregateActor ! "DISPLAY_LIST"

Finally we will write a fileReaderActor and pass a large file to it to do MapReduce.

Now if you see the actual code, refer MapActor.scala, there is a keyword called yield. yield helps you to create another datatype from one collection. The syntax is as below,

def evaluateExpression(line: String): List[Result] = {
var result = for (word <- line split (" ") toList; if !STOP_WORDS.contains(word.toLowerCase))
yield (new Result(word, 1))
return result

Refer ReduceActor.scala you will find the code as “result =>” called as Lambda expression. Lambda expressions are fundamental to functional programming language like Scala,

def reduce(list: List[Result]): Map[String, Int] = {
var results: Map[String, Int] = new HashMap[String, Int]

list.foreach(result => {
if (results.contains(result.word)) {
results(result.word) += result.noOfInstances
} else {
results(result.word) = result.noOfInstances
return results;


If you notice, in this example, I have used and learnt,

  • Scala programming aspects like, Collection, keyword yield, lambda expressions
  • Akka‘s Roundrobin Routers for threading and concurrency
  • SBT for integration with Eclipse
  • ScalaTest for TDD

I hope this blog helped.

Play 2.0: Building Web Application using Scala

For people in hurry, here is the code and some steps to run few demo samples.

Disclaimer: I am still learning Scala and Play 2.0, please point to me if something is incorrect.

Few years back I had tried Scala and it was difficult for me to learn it with the lack of good IDE and an integrated stack for building any application primarily Web Application. After the advent of Play 2.0, Scala IDE for eclipse and Play 2.0 integration with Eclipse things have improved. Lift is also another framework to do Scala Web Application development

If you see the net you will see quite a few articles comparing Java with Scala like, From Scala back to Java and Scala or Java? Exploring myths and facts, There are also articles comparing Scala to other languages Ruby like, Scala, is it comparable to Ruby?. Primarily the debate is about if Scala is ready for Enterprise development.

In this blog I will call an external REST call using Akka Actor and display results using Scala. While building this sample application, I will consider few factors and how Play 2.0 and other tools help in this.

Scala IDE support

Refer the blog Setup and use Play framework 2.0 in Scala IDE 2.0. It has a good writeup on how we create a Scala project in Play 2.0, how we Eclipsify, how we import a project in Eclipse and start development. The IDE has a good intellisense support. When I run the application in STS IDE, I had to add target/scala-2.9.1/src_managed/main in the build path.

Database access support

Refer the blog Tutorial: Play Framework 2 with Scala, Anorm, JSON, CoffeeScript, jQuery & Heroku. This has a good writeup on how we write a simple Database CRUD based application in Scala. It also demonstrates how we can return JSON object to the browser. Play 2.0 is bundled with Anorm a lightweight Object mapper. This is not a ORM tool, this is just a simple data retriever and object mapper. If you see the application I demonstrated the usage. Refer the .scala class models.Bar for more details. Below is a simple code snippet of this,

def findAll(): Seq[Bar] = {
DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
SQL("select * from bar").as(Bar.simple *)

Akka/Actor: taking advantage of asynchronous model

As mentioned in my earlier blog, Harnessing New Java Web Development stack: Play 2.0, Akka, Comet, Play 2.0 uses Netty an asynchronous event-driven network application framework for high performance Web Application. In the below snipped, I will demonstrate how we retrieve a remote webservice payload in a non blocking. I have not benchmarked this yet.

def listProducts() = Action {
val system = ActorSystem("MySystem")
val myActor = system.actorOf(Props[ProductJsonActor], name = "myactor")

Async {
implicit  val timeout= Timeout(20.seconds)

(myActor ? "hello").mapTo[String] {
response => Ok(response).as("application/json")

def receive = {
case _ => {
val response = WS.url("").get()
val body = response.await(5000).get.body
log.debug("body****" + body)
sender ! body

Language capabilities: OOP vs Functional Programming

There are good blogs comparing Functional Programming and OOP Language like Java. The concept of Functional Programming is not that easy to understand in the beginning, but once we get used to it, we can write good compact code.


Language capability wise Scala has good support. Java 8 has lot of features which are similar to Scala and if you get into Scala bandwagon you will not be left out to take advantage of the new capabilities of Java. Here is a good comparison of Java 8 vs Scala. With Play 2.0 I clearly demonstrated how to build a decent Web application. Hope this blog helped you.