Category Archives: Javascript

Java to JavaScript journey

Being a Java guy, I started off spending time understanding what are good web frameworks for someone with strong Java background. In the beginning of my journey, I hated Javascript as I hate seeing famous “undefined” errors in browser, but that somewhat changed in the end. For most of my learning, I wanted to stick with current bestpractices/tools like Bootstrap, HTML5, Responsive Webdesign (RWD), Single Page Application (SPA), Model View View Model (MVVM)

Let me start with Java world:

In Java world, there are 2 competing frameworks where you can pretty much do all the best practices of web development like HTML5, Bootstrap, RWD, SPA. Vaadin (, ZKOSS ( Both take different approaches. Vaadin is built heavily on GWT ( and it is 100% java code including frontend markup. Vaadin 7 the latest edition has a poor support for CSS. I liked ZKOSS a lot.

  • It has a nice blend of markup and Java support,
  • it has good support for CSS (SCSS),
  • it has Bootstrap theme out of the box,
  • it encourages SPA a lot and
  • it has a decent MVVM support, but you have to pay for it, I would rate Knockout.js much better than this.

I ended up building a decent excel based application on Heroku. As I proceeded to do complex things, I realized that in Java we end up with lot of boilerplate coding. I stumbled up on to reduce some boilerplate, but still lot of boilerplate… this forced me to think if this is the reason people move towards modern programming languages like Scala, Groovy, and my latest favorite Clojure.

Clojure in particular is interesting because it is JVM based, follows Lisp way of working, you can write efficient code and avoid boilerplate, and has ClojureScript for web development. I did spend close to 1month exploring if it is good for web development.. the good thing is I learnt a new language. The big disadvantage is it has a huge learning curve, and it is not for weak hearted, you need to be good in emacs and some good frameworks like only work in UNIX platforms.

Javascript world:

In essence, I realized that if you want to be good web development person you cannot avoid Javascript, love it or hate it, embrace it. Again my journey started with understanding Ember.js. It is a good framework, but poor documentation and heavyweight. One of my friend pointed me to Knockout.js (it has a strong MVVM support), I loved it. I was also looking for a SPA, I stumbled upon, , according to me this is the right direction for SPA.

If you want a good IDE for Javascript, NetBeans IDE is one of the best. I am spoilt by STS IDE, features like intellisense, code formatting, running the app from within the IDE are a must. Luckily NetBeans supports all of these and more, it is tightly integrated with Chrome browser and has a plugin within Chrome for running and debugging frontend (much better than firebugs etc..).

Finally for server side, there were 2 candidates I was exploring, Node.Js and Grails. Again I have this love / hate relationship with Javascript I am still not sold on Nodejs . I am settling with Grails because it has strong STS IDE support. I am trying to rewrite my “excel on the web” application, I deployed on Heroku with durandaljs, Knockoutjs on the client side and Grails/ Groovy on the serverside, with strong JSON contracts. I will share some of these learning


As I mentioned earlier, embrace Javascript, there is lot of matured frameworks in JS (Ember.js, Angular.js, Backbone.js, Knockout.js are popular ones). If you have a good IDE you can actually be productive. Also on the server side there are alternatives to Java like Groovy, Node.js. My preference is Groovy because I come from Spring background and I love STS IDE.

Latest in JQuery, Javascript frameworks for Web development

Responsive Web Design is a useful paradigm where in your build a web application  and it runs on any device, adjusting itself with the layout. There are a few JQuery frameworks which enable this.

From past few days, I have been working with few good JQuery/ Javascript frameworks and understanding how they works. In this blog, I will show how JQuery works in a typical AJAX based environment. What are the few aspects that improves JQuery in writing better code. I will also show you, how some of the latest Javascript frameworks addresses these and how does the future of web development looks like.

What is AJAX, how Javascript frameworks helps in improving your application?

In the simplest terms, AJAX helps in partial rendering of a page, without loading the entire webpage, when a click event happens.

In a typical web application, for retrieving the data from the server, you typically do a server post back and reload the page and rebuild the page on the server side and return to the client. The disadvantage of this approach is you will have business logic in the view.

With JQuery you can separate the concerns as below,

<ul id="productCatalog">
<!--Right side filter-->
<legend>Smart Wall</legend>
<textarea id="searchkey" rows="2" cols="20" ></textarea>
<button type="submit" id="submitButton">

key =  $("#searchkey").val();
alert('key=' + key);
var url = ""+key+"&alt=json"
alert('url=' + url);
$.getJSON(url, function (data){
// Format the data using the catTemplate template
alert('data=' + data);


<include src="./datatemplates/productcatalog.html" />

productcatalog.html looks as below,

 <script id="flickrTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
<a href="${}" target="_blank" >
<img src="${product.images[0].link}" alt="" width="150px;" border="0">
<p>Price: $ ${product.inventories[0].price} &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="${}" target="_blank" >Buy</a></p>

How do you achieve separation of concerns in Javascript frameworks?

If you notice in the above example, there is no business logic in the html view. The magic is achieved by including jquery.tmpl.min.js in the html page as below,

<script src="assets/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.20.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.tmpl.min.js"></script>

The data binding in the template happens when you use ${} syntax . This is an Underscore templating syntax. There are some other good template support in JQuery Handlebars + Mustache  to name a few.

How advanced frameworks take this further?

There are lot of great Javascript frameworks and there is a good article comparing them.

My personal favorite is Angular.js . As you notice they have much higher level abstraction like object binding, dependency injection on the client side to name a few. Angular.js has good documentation and tutorials to learn from.